Pointing the finger

Life continues to be maddeningly hectic. Assignment due today, I, Science articles to complete, group project to work on, classes… two short orders of business, then!

No, these are not the orders of business, though I kind of wish they were.

The first is a shout out to everyone who has helped me promote the Bloggie nomination so far. I know I sound like a politician, and some of you may be sick of hearing about it already! I promise it’ll all be over and normal transmission will resume soon.

The second is: piggybacking on the creative power of others! Ed at Onthenatureofthings has an extremely cool sound piece celebrating the Apollo 14 mission; you can listen to it here.

Bonus: Liquid Gold Photos from last February. Example:

It was a magical evening... solo surf photography session!

Categories: Random Links, Thoughts | Tags: , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Pointing the finger

  1. munchkn

    Dr. Skeptic told me to check your blog out, so I did, and I’ve voted for you twice. I love science (so I don’t really know what I’m doing at university studying something far too “fluffy” and abstract for my poor logical brain to handle), and your approach to it is interesting. Plus, you’re studying at Imperial (I’ve applied to study biology there next year), you love travelling (I grew up travelling) and you take amazing photos. So, needless to say, I’ve subscribed.
    Good luck with your work! Group projects are my downfall…

    • Group projects can be a nightmare but the one I’m working on at the moment is looking pretty amazing! Learning to work well in a team is a really useful skill, though sometimes it can come down to a bit of luck too…

  2. Wishing you all kinds of luck, then, dude!! Enjoy the Guinness at the end of the road! :)

  3. Mary Beth

    Just keep in mind that you are making memories that will be with you until your last breath. Embrace your unique gifts, and they will never let you down. Your blessings are abundent…..let your soul smile, while the earth laughs!


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